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July 20, 2024

The LMF Difference

LMF is a Premium Horse Feed that is designed for optimizing horses' health and performance. The feed options range from supplements for balancing diets to complete feeds. They are one of the only brands on the market that is region specific, which accounts for specific needs in your local region for providing proper and balanced nutrition for your horse!

Other Notable Facts about the LMF brand

LMF uses Fixed Formula Recipes - no fillers or “least cost” ration building

Feed Less - High Quality ingredients and accessible nutrients result in feeding less per day per head which will result in significant savings!

Drug Free Facilities

LMF Feeds utilizes PHN, an international equine nutrition consulting company in all of their feed formulations.

Alltech Products - LMF uses Alltech 100% Selenium Yeast (Sel-Plex), Yeast Culture (Yea-Sacc) & Chelated Mineral for enhanced Bioavailability.

Low Starch & Sugar - LMF formulates 4 feeds which are specifically designed for special needs horses.

The main ingredient in a horse's diet is forage (hay). This is typically between 1-3% of a horse's body weight daily. This varies depending on many factors such as Age, Stress, Workload, Easy/Hard Keeper, Reproductive Status, Disease Status. All of these can affect their metabolism and nutritional needs. With Hay being a minimum of 80% of their diet, it’s imperative it is understood.

Here is an analysis of the typical hays fed in the PNW:

Below: The Red Line is the typical Nutritional Requirements for standard minerals, while the green charts the levels typically provided from the Western Washington Orchard.

As you can see, practically any way you feed your horse, there are some essential nutrients that are either going to be missing, or out of balance for proper nutritional health.

Thankfully, LMF makes a product that is made to fix all these issues!

LMF Super Supplement

This is a Complete Supplement

It is Low Cost per head per day

It Balances Nutritional Deficiencies common from Forage

It is also a balanced feed for unfortified Grains

LMF Super Supplement has two options: A (Alfalfa) & G (Grass)

When feeding this Supplement to your horses, you will be providing the nutrients they need to balance out the mineral imbalances and to supply them adequately to meet all of the Nutritional Requirements that are recommended for proper body function and a balanced, healthy diet!

Below is the same chart as before, with the red line showing the nutritional requirements needed, with the green indicating the provided nutrient levels typical from Western Washington Orchard, before supplementation. The blue indicates the levels that each essential nutrient reaches with the addition of LMF Super Supplement!

LMF Super Supplements are one of the most popular feeds, and for good reason! For a low cost you can ensure your horse is getting the nutrients they need, with each day bag being a 50 day supply. It will directly contribute to improved health and performance!

If you want a single supplement that is easy to administer and extremely effective, LMF Super Supplement is an excellent choice!

Stop in today, talk with our staff and check out our large selection of LMF products in both our Snohomish and Monroe stores!

We’ll see you at the Co-op!

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