The latest news, tips and other helpful information from the Snohomish Co-op team so you can make the most of your farming.
As lambing and kidding season approaches, it’s important to maintain a clean and sanitary space. By doing the bulk of the cleaning prior to the due date will take a lot of the work and stress off of you so you can properly focus on your animals.
Chicks that arrive in the store are just hatched, and are only 3 or 4 days old when they land on Friday mornings. They spend a few hours in the store getting warmed up, drinking water, and getting a few bites of their first food. While we tend to worry a lot about them getting enough food and water, freshly hatched chicks are most susceptible to a chill. If a chick gets too cold, sometimes they cannot recover. This is why it’s so important to get your brooder set up and warmed up before you bring your chicks home.
Growing Potatoes is easier than you think and the results are delicious! So where do you start? Your first step is to have an idea what veggies you want in your garden then map out where each should grow. One of the keys to success is making sure that everything has enough room to flourish.
Here at the Snohomish Co-op we love gardening! Everytime February rolls around we get in our gardening mode here and start the prep for the upcoming season. Gardening is not only a fun activity, but it’s educational and healthy. It contributes to a healthier ecosystem and benefits practically everything.