March 17, 18 and 19th are the dates for the 2023 “Chick Days” weekend! The Chick Days weekend is the Kickoff to the Chick Season. Both of our retail locations Monroe and Snohomish should have received their full assortment of baby chicks. Whether this is your first season raising baby chicks or if you are a seasoned “pro” this is the weekend to get yourself set up with everything you’ll need.
Our staff have the knowledge and experience to answer your questions and make sure you are set up for success. Due to the larger space available, our Monroe location will have more options of birds available that you will not see at our Snohomish location.
We have chick room hours and birds are available on a first come, first served basis. The chick room hours are posted on the “chick schedule” button for each location The chick schedule we have posted on the website reflects the orders we have placed and have had tentatively “confirmed” with our three hatcheries; Privett, Hoover and Metzer. On occasion issues arise that prevent the hatchery from sending a complete order for the week, but those instances are rare. We also can accommodate special orders. The special-order process & policies are also posted on the website under your preferred location chick schedule.
Our birds arrive “sexed” meaning that the majority of the birds are egg layers. (an occasional rooster does get mixed in now & again). There is a 90% or better ratio of hens. Unless marked "Straight-Run": "Straight-Run" birds are hatched and sent out to us without being sexed. About 50% of birds will be female, and 50% will be male. Bantam chicks are only available as straight run. We cannot guarantee the sex of any bird.
If you end up with a rooster or two too many, our Monroe location has a coop where unwanted healthy adult birds can be dropped off at no charge to you. Any birds dropped off must be healthy, and old enough to fend for themselves in an outdoor environment.
Birds are happiest as members of a flock. This is why we have a minimum purchase of two birds of the same species. We want you to have the best chance of survival and success with your new birds. Should you happen to have a bird perish within the first 48 hours, we will offer a replacement. (Proof of purchase and death are needed for this). Let us help answer any questions you have.
Typical chick feathering timetable: Age at full feathering
Rate of Growth
Some species, breeds and strains grow much more rapidly than others. Strains of all species that have been bred for meat production grow the fastest of all. Old-time breeds, especially ones that mature to largest sizes, grow at the slowest rate. As your birds feather out, they will enjoy time outdoors during the warm weather. Unless they are supervised the entire time outside, they will need protection from predators looking for a quick snack. A wire-bottom cage or a doghouse like structure with an attached enclosed run would be perfect for complete protection. Provide water during their outing and if they will be out most of the day, bring along their feeder. They will need some form of shade to protect them from the hot sun.
When daytime temps remain above 65ºF and nights are not overly chilly, broilers, ducks and guineas may be moved outdoors permanently when they are about 4 weeks old. Chickens, geese and turkeys may be moved outdoors when they are about 6 weeks old. At this age, they are still too young to turn out to free range,but may be kept in a coop with a run with sufficient numbers. This keeps them warm on cooler nights.
We’ll see you at the Coop!