The Snohomish Co-Op carries a huge selection of fencing supplies and equipment. This ranges from electric fencing wire, chargers, and components, to gates and corral panels. We carry wood posts, treated lumber, split rail fencing, and 3 hole dowel fencing supplies.
Finish your fencing project with livestock panels, welded wire, hardware cloth, poultry netting, field fence, or no-climb horse fencing. Let the Snohomish Co-Op supply you with all of these products in various lengths, colors, and heights.
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We will help you get everything you need for your next project.
Wondering which fence type to choose? Here's a look at some pros and cons.
Typically used for livestock containment, electric fences are easy and cheap to install, even over uneven terrain. This makes them extremely versatile, turning the task of sectioning land into a quick and simple one. They are also friendlier to livestock than barbed wire, which can cut and tear. That being said, they are not child-friendly, and also do little to deter small animals.
Wood fences built right can have a lot of aesthetic appeal. They also offer privacy, and provide a solid barrier to animals. However, they are costly and time-consuming to install, and are more susceptible to weather damage, insect damage, and mold/fungus growth than a metal fence.
Treated Posts:
Stronger than chicken-wire, hardware cloth is welded wire in a tight square shaped mesh. Use hardware cloth to exclude rodents from just about everywhere. More expensive than chicken-wire, it's well worth the investment. Extend the fence underground to prevent critters from burrowing underneath.
Chicken wire fencing is cheap to install, and good for temporary and/or light-duty applications, such as garden fencing. When using it to keep out small, plant-eating animals like rabbits, extend the fence below ground to prevent them from digging under.