The Snohomish and Monroe Co-Op offer multiple solutions to problem areas that are prone to mud build up. Paving can be expensive, and planting grass or cover crops doesn’t always help in high-traffic areas. Explore options using semi-permeable ground reinforcement systems like LightHoof or Eco GreenGrid. Mud is not just a pain but can cause health problems for your animals. These are just a couple examples that these mud management solutions can do to your property.
Eco GreenGrid is a tough, durable, interlocking grid system designed to provide turf protection, ground reinforcement and erosion control. Manufactured from 100% recycled plastics and providing superior water drainage, this system provides an economical and environmentally sustainable alternative to asphalt, concrete, or paving. It is especially suited for Equestrian Facilities and Farm Applications or anywhere Equine mud control is an issue. Use it in paddocks, stalls, arenas, barn entryways, or any heavy animal use area where stability and mud control are needed.

Eco GreenGrid is especially suitable for use as temporary or permanent ground reinforcement. It reinforces lawns or grassy areas to prevent mud and damage to the ground. Once laid, it can be filled with gravel, grass seed with soil, or even stone for beautiful and durable driveways and walkways. When Eco GreenGrid is installed, it creates a semi-permeable surface that is perfect to drive and walk on for you and your animals.
Another mud-control solution available at the Snohomish and Monroe Co-Op are Lighthoof panels. Lighthoof is a 6 by 12 foot panel made of 3-inch tall flexible plastic strips welded together to create hundreds of fist-sized cells, and expands to 72 square feet. Once filled with compacted gravel, the cells have the strength to sustain the weight of even the largest of draft horses (they can even support tractors, trucks, and farm vehicles!), and the density to keep even the smallest of mini or goat hooves from sinking in and tearing up the ground. Light hoof installations have lasting and low maintenance results. If you have been adding new material every year or doing constant digging of drainage to keep water out of crucial areas in your livestock paddocks, installing Lighthoof will take a huge burden off your future farm budget and labor.
They come in manageable bundles in our stores:

Because Lighthoof panels are stretchy and flexible, they can conform to imperfectly shaped and unlevel paddocks and won't crack or heave in a thaw. The surface that Lighthoof creates is non-slippery, stable for hoof traffic, and easy to clean to prevent injury or infection. It also prevents erosion and undercutting of your buildings and fence posts due to hoof compaction or runoff.

Lighthoof is certified by the EPA for a minimum 70 year lifespan and is chemically inert so it can't leach into your ground water or degrade in your soil. Although the panels stay buried in the ground, the flexible plastic walls are gentle on skin and hooves if they ever do come in contact with your animals. With Lighthoof panels, it's not such a huge ordeal to create mud-free areas on your farm. Lighthoof panels are flexible and can be trimmed to fit with scissors. You can install them around current structures and fence lines without major excavation or equipment.

Just to express the adaptability of these to improve your property, the Lighthoof is rated to be effective on 35 degree slopes or greater!

Don’t let mud consume your stalls, paddocks and walkways. Put Lighthoof panels and Eco GreenGrid to work on your homestead today. Visit the Snohomish and Monroe Co-Op today to get your mud control project started.
We’ll see you at the Co-op!