Radio Tips
February 26, 2025

Kidding & Lambing

As lambing and kidding season approaches, it’s important to maintain a clean and sanitary space. By doing the bulk of the cleaning prior to the due date will take a lot of the work and stress off of you so you can properly focus on your animals. Also, make sure you have your supply kit clean, organized, and ready for emergency use. Having the following items on hand, and quickly available will help you be prepared for assisting your animals when they need it most:

A Good Vet Relationship N/A
Lots of Clean Towels N/A
Shoulder Gloves Agri Pro/Poly Pro
Sterile Lubricating Jelly Durvet All Purpose, 1 GAL.
Priority Care 5 oz
Chlorhexidine Solution (antimicrobial) Durvet
Iodine Betadine Surgical Scrub: 16 oz, 32 oz
Triodine: 16 oz, 32 oz
Durvet Controlled Iodine Spray 16 oz
Extra Lead Rope and Halter Weaver
Colostrum Replacer Manna Pro, 1 lb
Milk Replacer Land O’ Lakes Ultra Fresh Does Match, 8 lb
Land O’ Lakes Ultra Fresh Lamb Milk, 8 lb
Land O’Lakes ProNurse Multi-Species, 8 lb
OB Chain Agri Pro
OB Chain Handle Agri Pro
Pritchard Nipples Agri Pro: 2 nipples per pack
Exam Gloves Duraskin Nitrile, Powder Free in S, M, L
Ewespoon Prolapse Retainer Agri Pro
Lamb Feeding Kit Agri Pro
Lamb Feeding Kit Agri Pro
  • Having a good relationship with a vet is a necessity. A vet that has seen your herd prior to emergencies will make your life easier when you need help in the middle of the night to assist your best ewe or doe.
  • Provide the best quality, leafiest hay for ewes and does after they lamb or kid. Alfalfa will help provide the extra energy and protein to help with milk production. The higher quality hay will also help their reproductive tract recover, and will help their immune system to fight any infections. (The earlier the cutting of alfalfa the higher in nutritional value it is.)
  • Having milk replacer, and colostrum replacer on hand will help save babies should their mothers fail to milk properly.
  • To prevent scours, it is important that newborn kids and lambs are bottle fed properly. A nursing kid or lamb stretches her neck out to get milk from her mother. Due to the stretching process, the milk goes past a slit in the esophagus, bypassing the first two stomachs, and ending up in the omasum. Here it is mixed with digestive fluids and is passed on to the fourth stomach, or abomasum. An overly hungry, pan-fed kid or lamb must bend down to drink, rather than stretch upward. Some of the milk slops through the slit in the food tube and falls into the first stomach, the rumen, where it doesn’t belong. There is nothing else in this compartment, since milk is the only feed consumed. There is no bulk from hay, therefore gas forms, and scours are likely to result.
  • We carry all of these products here at our stores and have friendly staff ready to help you prepare. Stop in at either of our Snohomish or Monroe locations.

We’ll see you at the Coop!

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